• zero44801181seven
  • info at bawbawrc.com.au
  • zero44801181seven
  • info at bawbawrc.com.au

Our mission

We enjoy RC modelling.

The mission of the RC model plane Club is to provide a location and environment that is safe, friendly and practical for the enjoyment of RC modelling.

We are committed to providing an enjoyable atmosphere for the hobby.

Improve the facilities and provide support and assistance to those who want to learn the hobby.

Our values

Our values are based around enjoyment of the hobby, respect for others and polite behavior..

  • People: To enjoy a friendly atmosphere in a club environment.
  • Passion: For a hobby that is enjoyable and challenging
  • Sustainability: All activities to be within the means of the club and be considerate of the environment
  • Safety: The safety of the people and the facilities must always be at the forefront.

Our Club

The club is there to provide a safe RC Modelling area and the warm welcoming atmosphere of a club environment.

Our Members

Our members are the most important part of the club. It is the members who make everything happen, and determine the success of the club. From flying, building, sharing ideas, to working bees and BBQs, there is allways something for members to do at the club.

Club Purpose

As per the model rules our purpose is as follows:

The purposes of the association are —

Purpose of the Club

(a) To promote and encourage an interest in the building & safe flying of model aircraft,

and where appropriate as determined by the committee from time to time, other radio

modelling activities.

(b) Provide & maintain a site or sites to enable safe flying of model aircraft and where

appropriate other radio modelling activities.

(c) To promote, encourage a calm, friendly, and respectful manner that supports a family

orientated social atmosphere at all club events and activities.

(d) To promote & encourage member involvement in all club competitions and events.

(e) To promote and encourage improved flying skills through training & education for

safer flying

(f) To promote communication and involvement of city & country clubs in the activities

of our association.

(g) To raise funds by means of membership fees, raffles, entry fees and donations to

support Club expenses and maintain the Club as a going concern.

(h) Ensure that the members and committee act in a honest and transparent manner and

abide by requirements of the MAAA rules, policies & procedures, the VMAA rules,

policies & procedures, BawBaw RadioModellers Association Gippsland, club rules,

policies & procedures & code of conduct.

(i) Act or undertake what is necessary on behalf of the members and club to facilitate

the purpose of the club.