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  • zero44801181seven
  • info at bawbawrc.com.au

BRAG RC Model Plane Club

Disabled toilet has arrived.

Blog 2024-03-01

The disabled toilet has finally arrived. Again a big thank you to Adrian and Carl for organising the pickup, temporary storage and delivery to the club. The club is really going places when we have our members chip in when needed.

The toilet has been located at the rear of the container, so there is easy access from the track.

The club would like to thank the Baw Baw shire Council for providing community funds, and the Community Bank Trafalgar (Bendigo Bank) for sponsorship so this project could become reality.

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The toilet now needs to be set up. This includes adding fluids and supplies and a combination lock.

This is an important amenity for the club, as the club has many senior members. The club will also make these toilets available to locals in the community who require disabled amenities.

As soon as practicable, the club will be installing an electronic lock so that codes can be issued for access. the club will be running a register for locals who need access to disabled amenities. Hopefully this will encourage more people to visit the track, or stay a bit longer, and enjoy the outdoors.

More information on access to the toilets will be forth coming.

The club made up the balance of the funding which is a real credit to the members and committee.

Previous Blog:

Disabled toilet on its way to a new home.