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  • info at bawbawrc.com.au
  • zero44801181seven
  • info at bawbawrc.com.au

BRAG RC Model Plane Club

Blue Rock Float Fly

Blog 2023-04-25

Wow, what a weekend the 19th of March 2023 was.

Thank you to all the members who helped set up, helped on the day, donated items and showed up to support the club on our Grand Opening and Blue Rock Float Fly event.

I would like to make a special mention to the following members, and if I have forgotten someone, I truly apologise and feel free to hit me up for a beer to make up for it.

Tony and Darcy for help with setting up the event and help on the day

Scott and Bob on the BBQ. Scott also roped in his mate Gerard to help on the day. Scott did a heap to prepare for this.

Bob for donating the auction item..

Ash for donating the water container

Steve for all the mowing and other chores

Graham for helping out with whatever needed to be done

Mick as Event Director on the day.

Tony for general support and helping on the day.

Mila and Harley for selling tickets and helping at the registration table.

baw baw rc club willow grove

The committee would also like to acknowledge and thank the partners, families and friends for supporting those who have helped.

In addition to this there were members of other clubs who helped out prior and on the day. This includes flyers who camped out on the Saturday as a trial run for future events.

All the formal sponsor acknowledgements will be included in the next newsletter that Mick is working on.

On the day we had 22 registered flyers and around 60 visitors in total. The weather was overcast, and a little drizzle early on, however the wind held off to make for great flying and plenty of smiles. There was plenty of float flying during the day, with some flying from the strip around lunchtime, including some 3D flying for entertainment.

Albury models and hobbies

Guests of the event included Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Baw Baw Shire, Michael Leaney, the President of the VMAA Reeve Marsh, and Vice President Jon Goudge.

The BBQ was running for most of the day serving up sausages and juicy beef burgers to keep everyone well fed.

At lunchtime we had an auction of a float kit that Bob R donated and it raised a pretty penny.

The main event was the raffle thanks to Albury RC Models & Hobbies and Ausworkwear & Safety.

The plane was won by John Beale who has signed up as a new member, and the voucher was won by Jeffery and Kerrie whom have both signed up as new members.

The event was so successful that we have received many membership applications.

The Club would also like to acknowledge the support from the VMAA for contributing towards promoting the event and covering some expenses.

The club has received very positive feedback and we will be setting the date for next years Blue Rock Float Fly annual event.

Some flyers have suggested to make it a bi-annual event, and the committee thinks that we will have a Fun-Fly event prior to Christmas.


We are also planning to have a Try Fly day in May sometime.

I would like to draw your attention to the following links:

Videos of the day


Our Facebook page


Our Merchandise page:


Our two main sponsors for the event



Future Events:
